Building Confidence in Your Intuitive and Mediumship Abilities
with Rev Angie Hewett-Abt

Spring 2025 Schedule
3/11, 3/25, 4/8, 4/22, 5/13, 5/27

7:00pm - 8:30pm ET
This is an Online (Zoom Platform) Class.

6-Class Course Registration for 2025: $140 (Recordings available for missed classes) OR
Single Class Registration: $30

If you’d like to build confidence doing Mediumship or Psychic readings, this class is for you. Ideal for someone just beginning a Mediumship practice or someone who’s been practicing a while that would like to gain some additional skills and experience. 


This is a guided development class designed to help you gain practice in your intuitive or mediumship abilities. We always begin with meditation because meditation connects us to our higher selves and our spirit guides. After meditation, Angie will teach a different lessons that allow you to build confidence in your mediumship and intuitive abilities, and then we will practice what we learn.

In these development circles you will: 

  • Participate in One on One Practice, Group Interactive Exercises, and question and answer sessions led by Angie.

  • Develop skills that will help you gain the confidence you need to give 30 minute readings, platform work, and development circles.

  • Learn how to anchor in spirit to receive clear evidence & messages and accurately deliver healing to your client.

  • Develop skills that will help you work through any fears or hesitations you may have when you’re giving someone a reading.

  • Participate in mini reading events, as guests are invited in for you.

Class Topics:

3/11 Introduction

  • Energy shield. What it really means.

  • Meditation.

  • Past life readings. Relate to life now.

3/25 Topic: Evidential Mediumship

Evidential Mediumship is the ability to interpret messages from souls who have passed. Since everything is really made of energy, beings no longer in the physical sometimes use that energy to communicate with a medium. An evidential medium can pass along details from loved ones on the other side that the medium would have no earthly way of knowing.

  • Learn to establish that you are communicating with the deceased by sharing evidence that could not have otherwise been known to your sitter. Ask for a spirit person they know.

  • Learn to give evidence that is specific pieces (and often lots of evidence is given) of information that is factual, that only those who knew the deceased would know.

  • Learn to have a conversation and make friends with the deceased loved and be able to accurately interpret the messages and guidance they have for your sitter- Connect heart to heart.

  • Get 3 pieces of evidence and a message.

  • Groups of 2 and the groups of 5. Take turns

4/8 Topic: Ways of Receiving Messages

  • Meditation

  • Develop the ways we receive messages, clairvoyance, Clairaudience & Clairscentience.

  • Enhance where you see, feel hear the messages you receive from spirit .

  • I see, I feel, I hear. Practice all 3

4/22 Topic: Old Fashioned Style Intuitive Message Circle

In years past spiritualists would gather in circles and connect to spirit in order to receive and give messages. This circle will be guided. You will first 

  • Begin with a guided meditation

  • connect with your spirit guides,

  • use and energy exercise to feel connected to everyone in the circle.

  • Learn the etiquette of a spiritual message circle.

  • Receive intuitive messages that you will to other class participants

  • Receive messages yourself

  • Practice Platform Readings

5/13 Topic: Connecting - Who’s There?

  • Connecting to spirit loved ones and receive accurate messages from them
    Push energy out. Who’s there

5/27 Topic: More Evidential Mediumship

  • Get 7 pieces of evidence including shared memories, what was important to them, what they did for a living & and essence of personally

About Angie

Rev. Angie Hewett-Abt, B.A., is a Registered Lily Dale Medium, a 2002 graduate of Fellowships of the Spirit’s School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy and a practicing medium for over 30 years. Angie is also the owner of Santosha Holistic Center, located in Williamsville, NY. and the Co-Director of Fellowships of the Spirit, School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy

Read more about Angie or book services with her here!

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