Angie’s Podcast


Each week, Angie opens her Lily Dale radio program with guided meditation and an intuitive exercise or tip to further develop your own intuitive knowing followed by a guest interview with someone from the holistic community. Let's learn about each other, support each other, and share how our connection to our spirituality & our faith has changed our lives. Guests will describe what type of work they do and share spiritual stories and experiences.

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Interview with Mark Thomas

Interview with Lily Dale Medium Greg Kehn

Interview with Mark Thomas

Interview with Rev. Joanne Copley-Nigro


Rev. Angie Hewett-Abt, B.A., is a Registered Lily Dale Medium, a 2002 graduate of Fellowships of the Spirit’s School of Spiritual Healing and Prophecy. She received her degree in Human Services with a concentration in Counseling and Psychology in 2005. A practicing medium for over 30 years. Angie currently is the owner of the successful Santosha Holistic Center, located in Williamsville, NY, and has her own thriving mediumship and spiritual counseling practice, where for the past 17 years she has taught meditation and intuitive development.